Upcoming CCS Events

January 2025 (completed events indicated in gray)

Learners with Littles | UVU | Thursday, Jan. 16 | 10 a.m. 

  • Held in CB 510/511.  A monthly discussion series (in CB 510/511) about American heritage on UVU campus for caregivers of children (or for those who don’t mind children in the background). More.

CTLI On-Site Civics | Heber City | Tuesday, Jan. 21 | 8:30 a.m. 

  • Held at Wasatch County School District office. Utah K–12 teachers receive daylong instruction from expert former teachers on the Civic Thought & Leadership team. Topics include the U.S. Constitution, engaged citizenship, civil public dialogue, and the new Utah social-studies core curriculum.

Emily Pears | AHSS Lecture and Lyceum | UVU | Friday, Jan. 24 | 11 a.m. 

  • Held in PS 202.  Topic: "Demogoguery in American Politics." Pears is an associate professor of Government at Claremont McKenna College. She will also speak at a student lyceum to be held at 12:15 p.m. following the lecture in the Timpanogos Room, Fourth Floor, Fulton Library.

CTLI Regional Civics Training | Southern Utah | Jan. 30 | 8:30 a.m. 

  • Held on SUU campus in Cedar City. Utah K–12 teachers receive daylong instruction from expert former teachers on the Civic Thought & Leadership team. Topics include the U.S. Constitution, engaged citizenship, civil public dialogue, and the new Utah social-studies core curriculum. Co-sponsors We the People, Bill of Rights Institute, and America250 Commission also provide materials and support for teachers.
  • CTLI On-Site Civics | Brigham City | Thursday, Jan. 9 | 8:30 a.m. 

    • Held at Box Elder School District office. Utah K–12 teachers receive daylong instruction from expert former teachers on the Civic Thought & Leadership team. Topics include the U.S. Constitution, engaged citizenship, civil public dialogue, and the new Utah social-studies core curriculum.


February 2025

We the People Competition | UVU | Friday, Feb. 7 | 8:30 a.m. 

  • Held in Center Stage, Sorensen Center and sponsored by We the People and Utah Law-Related Education.  High-school students from around Utah will compete for awards through debate and discussion of key Constitutional issues of our time.

Troy Smith | CCS Student Lyceum | UVU | Thursday, Feb. 13 | 10 a.m. 

  • Held in Timpanogos Room, Fourth Floor, Fulton Library. Topic: "Complexity: An Old Scientific Paradigm for a Modern Age." Smith is professor and director of the Master of Arts in Constitutional Government, Civics & Law at Utah Valley University and a fellow at the Center for the Study of Federalism.

Learners with Littles | UVU | Thursday, Feb. 13 | 10 a.m. 

  • Held in CB 510/511. A monthly discussion series about American heritage on UVU campus for caregivers of children (or for those who don’t mind children in the background). More.

Jeremy Black | Lecture | UVU | Thursday, Feb. 20 | 1 p.m. 

  • Held in CB 511 and sponsored by America250 Utah. Topic is "Could the British Have Won the American Revolution? " Black is an English historian and former professor of history at the University of Exeter. He is a senior fellow at the Center for the Study of America and the West at the Foreign Policy Institute in Philadelphia.

John Petrakis | Hallway Lecture | UVU | Tuesday, Feb. 25 | 12 noon 

  • Held in the atrium of the Pope Science Building and sponsored by the CCS Tocqueville Fellows program. Topic: "Comparative Constitutionalism." Attendees and passers-by treated to pizza while they listen to an engaging lecture.

Visible Hand Project | UVU | Tuesday, Feb. 25 | 2:30 p.m. 

  • Held in KB 403 for the Woodbury School of Business. Visible Hand offers free, nonpartisan, civic education to Utah businesses, nonprofit, and education organization leaders and their employees. The project draws its inspiration from both George Washington and Adam Smith in inviting participants to model civic virtue in the workplace and in the public square. More.

Yuval Levin | Faculty Colloquium | UVU | Tuesday, Feb. 25 | TBD 

  • Held in FL 428 (Lakeview Room) and sponsored by CCS and the Sutherland Institute. Topic: "American Covenant: How the Constitution Unified Our Nation and Could Again." At the American Enterprise Institute, Levin is a senior fellow and Beth and Ravenel Curry Chair in Public Policy; director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies; and editor in chief, National Affairs.

Scholarship Application Deadlines| Friday, Feb. 28  

  • Applications for the three CCS-sponsored scholarships are due Friday, Feb. 28. The Eric Zachary Wood Scholarship is given to graduating high-school seniors who want to minor in constitutional studies at UVU. The Rebecca D. Lockhart Scholarship is given to current CCS students at UVU. The CCS Graduate Support Scholarship is given to juniors and seniors who are applying to graduate school. More.


March 2025

First Amendment Conference | UVU | Thursday, March 6 | 10 a.m.

  • Entitled "A Revolution in Religious Freedom: From the Declaration to the First Amendment," the conference examines the robust tradition of religious liberty that grew out of the American Revolution and produced the First Amendment. More.

Daniel DiSalvo | AHSS Lecture & Lyceum | UVU | March 17 | 11 a.m. 

  • Held in CB 204.  Topic: "American Political Parties." DiSalvo is a professor of Political Science at the City College of New York. He will also speak at a student lyceum to be held at 12:15 p.m. following the lecture in the Timpanogos Room, Fourth Floor, Fulton Library.

Learners with Littles | UVU | Thursday, March 20 | 10 a.m. 

  • Held in CB 510/511. A monthly discussion series about American heritage on UVU campus for caregivers of children (or for those who don’t mind children in the background).



April 2025

Learners with Littles | UVU | Tuesday, April 15 | 10 a.m. 

  • Held in CB 510/511. A monthly discussion series about American heritage on UVU campus for caregivers of children (or for those who don’t mind children in the background).

Diane Schaub | AHSS Lecture & Lyceum | UVU | April 16 | 11 a.m. 

  • Held in PS 202.  Topic: "The Political Thought of Frederick Douglass." Schaub is a  professor of Political Science at Loyola University (Maryland). She will also speak at a student lyceum to be held at 12:15 p.m. following the lecture in the Timpanogos Room, Fourth Floor, Fulton Library.

MyImpact Challenge | UVU | Tuesday, April 29 | TBD 

  • High-schoolers come to share projects they have developed in response to community needs and the actions they took to meet those needs.

June 2025

Constitutional Literacy Institute | June 23–27, 2025 | UVU Campus

  • Led by scholars from CCS, the University of Oxford, and elsewhere, K–12 teachers examine the U.S. Constitution through the lenses of history, law, economics, and public policy. More.

First Amendment Conference, 2023

Center for Consititutional Studies Events

Events held by the Center for Constitutional Studies at Utah Valley University further the mission of CCS.

CCS organizes and sponsors conferences, university curriculum, faculty scholarship, a robust research agenda, strategic partnerships, and K–12 initiatives.

These  events represent the many touchpoints that allow the Center to prepare citizens with the broad understanding of thought and practices critical to the perpetuation of constitutional government, ordered liberty, and the rule of law.

Contact Us

Suite 305, UVU Fulton Library
800 West University Parkway
Orem, UT 84058

[email protected]

(801) 863-5470
