person making a heart with hands

Let Us Entertain You

For upcoming UVU Events, check out University Tickets to see what activities, shows, or sporting events you would like to attend! You can purchase tickets at Campus Connection or set up your own account online to have your tickets immediately on hand.

Purchase Tickets

Image of a person's hands playing guitar in front of a crowd

Let Us help with your event

Need ticketing or someone to help with event registration?  Maybe you need some ushers for an event?  Campus Connection can help.  

If Box Office Services are requested during regular business hours, Campus Connection can assist with tickets sales, conference registration, or assist with ticket sales trouble-shooting upon request at Campus Connection one hour prior to the event to 1/2 hour after the event begins unless otherwise specified in the Box Office Notes/Instructions. 

If any Box Office Services are request after regular business hours or outside of the Campus Connection location, a minimum of one Campus Connection Specialist is required for a minimum of 2 hours at $20/hr/Campus Connection Specialist.

A scanner without a Campus Connection Specialist is $10/day.  Must be returned to Campus Specialist by noon the next business day. Training is oferend during business hours at the Campus Connection Desk.
Ticket fee is
  • $0.77/ticket sold
  • $0.10/ticket comped printed

Other fees can be found in the Ticketing or Box Office Services form.

Request Ticketing or Box Office Services

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Follow Us On Social Media

Our social media is the fastest way for us to update the UVU community about issues or additions to our services. We're also a great resource for keeping an eye on exciting and fun events happening at UVU and out in the community. Follow us to stay connected!

Contact Us

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