Program Policies

Some UVU policies apply to all students. These policies can be reviewed in the university’s Policy Manual. Look up the policy by number or keyword.

Some policies apply only to graduate students. These policies can be reviewed on the Graduate Studies page. The Graduate Student Handbooks includes information and resources specific to graduate students, including: admissions, transfer credit, full-time student status, program withdrawal, leave of absence, tuition and Utah residency, financial aid, registration, student policies and expectations, accommodations, appeals, student resources, ombuds office, accessibility services, and career development.

Some policies are specific to the MFT program and MFT students. These policies are outlined in the MFT Program Handbook.

If you have questions about a policy, please communicate with the Program Director.


MFT Program Diversity Statement:  

“At UVU, include is an action commitment that is a crucial part of our identity (” MFT faculty and students support the university’s commitment to exceptional care in inclusion. The MFT program champions inclusion by training students to competently serve diverse communities. We promote self-awareness and respect among students and faculty by striving to maintain a humble and curious interpersonal stance. We acknowledge the systemic challenges faced by marginalized populations and seek to open space for diverse perspectives and voices. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, relationship status, gender identity, socioeconomic status, disability, health status, religious or spiritual belief, religious or spiritual affiliation, or national origin in any of our activities or policies relating to students, faculty, instructors, supervisors, and professional staff.


MFT Course Sequence & Maximum Time Limit for Graduate Coursework

The academic courses within the UVU MFT program are delivered at the Orem campus. Students are expected to enroll full-time, in 5 sequential, consecutive semesters, and to pass each class with a grade of B- or better in order to maintain enrollment in the sequence of classes offered. Students who do not enroll in the recommended sequence of courses will need to wait until a course is offered again, per the program course sequence schedule, to take (or retake) a course. In this case, the length of the program will exceed five semesters.

 The majority of MFT students complete the program by the end of their 5th or 6th semester. Coursework can be completed in five semesters; however, an additional semester is needed by some students to complete clinical hours.

Graduate coursework must be completed within a maximum timeframe of six years from initial enrollment. When extenuating circumstances warrant, a student may request an extension to coursework completion time limits.
See Graduate Policy 524


MFT Course Grades & GPA

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students who do not maintain this academic standard will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. Students whose GPAs remain below 3.0 after the probation semester are suspended from their graduate program and will not be permitted to register or attend graduate courses.

Please note that any course with a C grade or below will need to be repeated.
Further, although a B- grade does not automatically require that a student repeat the course, too many B- grades across courses may necessitate retaking a course (or courses) to bring a student’s cumulative GPA above a 3.0. A student may not graduate from the UVU MFT program with a final cumulative GPA below 3.0.

See Graduate Policies 510 & 524


Grading & Assessment

The MFT Program mission is fulfilled through the achievement of four Program Goals. Each Program Goal is defined by two Student Learning Outcomes. Each MFT course aligns with at least one Student Learning Outcome. Course Learning Outcomes are designed to provide a framework for fulfilling a course description and are thereby linked to program-level Student Learning Outcomes and Goals. Core Competencies are used in assessment rubrics to evaluate Course Learning Outcomes.

Policy 524, Graduate Program Credit and Graduation Requirements

Section 4.1.1 Curriculum and graduation requirements for graduate programs shall be developed by faculty who teach in the applicable graduate program.

Policy 523, Grading

1.1 UVU faculty and staff shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that their evaluations of students reflect each student’s true merit. The University proceeds under the strong presumption that the faculty member’s evaluations are authoritative. However, in rare instances when a student alleges that a final course grade received is incorrect or does not accurately represent his or her efforts, UVU recognizes that students have the right to due process to appeal their grades.

4.1 The criteria for grading students is specific to individual instructors and may include performance in examinations, papers, or assignments; attendance and/or participation in class discussion and activities, and other evaluative processes necessary in determining the students’ achievement levels. Grading of individual student performance shall be performed in a timely manner consistent with the University’s fundamental principles prohibiting discrimination on improper grounds, and requiring that academic activities be performed without prejudice or favoritism.

4.2 Students who have reason to believe that a grade assigned in a specific course was calculated in error or assigned due to discriminatory bias have the right to appeal that grade. Students who seek to appeal their grade must follow the procedures outlined below and adhere to the timeframe supported by this procedure. UVU faculty shall allow students the right to due process in the contestation and/or appeal of their grades. The burden of proof to demonstrate the grading error is the student’s responsibility.

4.3 Grade change appeals shall be made and completed within one calendar year from the date the grade was originally issued.

4.4 Academic grievances unresolved at the department level or beyond the time of the student’s enrollment in the University shall be directed to the Registrar, who shall submit it to the Academic Standards Committee (ASC).

4.5 This policy applies only to final course grades. Concerns with grades for individual assignments are addressed in UVU Policy 541 Student Code of Conduct

5.1.1 At the end of the course, the faculty member shall assign grades to each student enrolled in class.

5.1.2 The following Standard Letter grades and numeric point values are used to compute the cumulative grade point average (GPA):

A Exceptional performance and achievement 4.0
A- Excellent performance and achievement 3.7
B+ Very good performance and achievement 3.4
B Good performance and achievement 3.0
B- Fair performance and achievement 2.7
C+ More than adequate performance and achievement 2.4
C Adequate performance and achievement 2.0
C- Less than adequate performance and achievement 1.7
D+ More than minimal performance and achievement 1.4
D Minimal performance and achievement 1.0
D- Less than minimal performance and achievement 0.7
E Unsatisfactory performance and achievement 0.0
UW Unofficial withdrawal from class 0.0

5.1.3 The criteria for grading students shall be determined by the faculty member and/or department and clearly communicated to students in the course. Faculty shall make every effort to ensure final grades are an honest and fair assessment of a student’s performance.


UVU Credit Hour Policy 610

4.2 One credit hour reasonably approximates: 4.2.1 One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out‐of‐class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or an equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time.


Student Code of Conduct Policy 541: Authenticity of Student Work

Students should be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct, which describes student responsibilities, rights, and standards of student conduct. Within this policy, the following terms are defined:

3.4 Cheating: Using or attempting to use or providing others with unauthorized information, materials, or study aids in academic work. Cheating includes but is not limited to passing examination answers to or taking examinations for someone else; preparing or copying another’s academic work; the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of university faculty or staff; unauthorized collaboration on academic work; or engaging in any conduct specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course syllabus or class discussion. 36

3.12 Plagiarism: The practice of taking or using someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment; the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of papers or other academic materials; duplicating or submitting work that was originally prepared for another class without the explicit permission of the instructor; or knowingly aiding another student who is engaged in plagiarism. Academic misconduct and other acts of dishonesty. All forms of academic misconduct and other acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and/or possessing or providing to the University any false, falsified, altered, forged, or substantially misleading materials, documents, accounts, records, identification, or financial instruments.

Violations of the Student Code or other university policies may result in sanctions including a warning, probation, suspension, expulsion.


Remediation and Dismissal

Policy 548: Academic Rights and Responsibilities of Healthcare and Counseling Clinical Program Students.

4.1.1 All students shall fulfill the responsibilities and behavioral expectations outlined in UVU Policy 541 Student Code of Conduct; all students are subject to that policy’s disciplinary processes. Policy 548 establishes additional standards of behavior for students in academic clinical programs and disciplinary processes for student disputes applicable to the didactic (classroom) and clinical component of a clinical student’s education.

5.1.2 Corrective actions are typically progressive in nature, beginning with the least severe action necessary to correct the undesirable situation and increasing in severity if the condition is not corrected. However, it is important that the degree of discipline be related directly to the seriousness of the offense and the trainee’s record; therefore, it is possible that the following corrective actions may not necessarily follow the order listed below, and/or may be repeated. Under a progressive disciplinary approach, dismissal should not be the first disciplinary measure unless the trainee’s misconduct poses a significant risk of harm to the University, university community, or clinical site community by posing physical or psychological damage, injury, financial loss, or exposure to legal liability

5.1.4 When a program determines that a student’s performance or conduct is unsatisfactory, the program may impose one or more of the following actions: informal remediation, formal remediation, probation, and dismissal.


MFT Program Remediation Processes

Students are expected to demonstrate competent and professional behavior in the classroom, with peers and colleagues, and at clinical training sites.

If a faculty member or supervisor expresses a concern about a student’s professionalism, competence or ethical behavior, the student may be invited to meet with the MFT Program Director to discuss concerns. If the concern is repeated, or of a serious nature, the student will be invited to meet with the MFT Student Development Committee to discuss concerns according to the processes outlined in Policy 548, 5.2 Informal Remediation, 5.3 Formal Remediation, 5.4 Probation, and 5.5 Dismissal.

According to Policy 548, the following factors should be considered when assessing the severity of the academic sanction: Physical or psychological safety issues; Clinical service impact; Financial impact on the patients, clinical site, clinical program, or University; Resultant disruption level to the clinical site, clinical program, or University; Violation of federal, state, or local law; Impact on the University’s affiliation relationships with hospitals and other health care providers; or History of performance or conduct issues, including previous violations of Policy 541 Student Code of Conduct.

Student Development Committee

The MFT Student Development Committee (SDC) is comprised of the Program Director, Director of Clinical Training and one additional MFT faculty member. If one of these individuals is unavailable or needs to maintain a separate role throughout the remediation process, the SDC may be comprised of any three UVU faculty who have taught a course in the MFT program. This committee convenes only when it is determined that a meeting with a student is needed.

Student Development Committee meetings are scheduled for one hour. Students are expected to make themselves available at the time scheduled by the committee. If a student chooses not to attend the scheduled meeting, the committee will meet and make recommendations without the student present.

The SDC develops a remediation plan and timeline according to the considerations and guidelines listed in Policy 548. This committee makes recommendations about actions needed to remedy the student’s concerning behavior. These actions must be addressed in order for the student to progress in the MFT program. Non-adherence to SDC action items can result in formal remediation, probation, and dismissal from the program.

Within two weeks of a meeting with the Student Development Committee, the written remediation plan will be sent to the student, a copy of which will be placed in the student’s file and provided to other entities including relevant campus offices as outlined in Policy 548. The letter will include a summary of the meeting, action plan, and timeline for completion.

The following behaviors require corrective actions and will automatically result in a meeting with the Student Development Committee corrective action:

  • Three or more absences from one course
  • Lower than B- grade in any course
  • Unsatisfactory progress rating in Pre-Practicum
  • Serious concern raised by supervisor or faculty member about student’s competence Note: supervisors and faculty discuss concerns about students with the Program Director and other faculty during a closed portion of faculty meetings and as needed.
  • Dismissal from a practicum site
  • Legal or ethical concern raised by faculty member or supervisor
  • Violation of client confidentiality or HIPAA
  • Missing supervision two weeks in a row without making up that time
  • Working outside the student’s scope of practice or scope of competence
  • Unsatisfactory progress rating on the annual evaluation
  • Inability to meet program achievement benchmarks after three attempts
  • Violation of MFT program policies
  • Violation of the UVU Student Rights and Responsibilities Code

The SDC remediation plan may include any of the following sanctions, as outlined in Policy 548 and the UVU Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy:

  • Warning
  • Requiring a student to retake an exam(s)
  • Requiring a student to re-write a paper(s) and/or repeat an assignment(s)
  • A grade reduction
  • A failing grade
  • Loss of privileges
  • Fine
  • Restitution
  • Discretionary Sanctions such as work assignments, personal development assignments, essays, or service assignments.
  • Probation with specified conditions
  • Dismissal, which results in the student’s termination from the clinical program.
  • Revocation of admission or degree (for fraud, misrepresentation, or other serious violations of institution standards in obtaining the degree; must be reviewed and confirmed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and President)


Student Disposition & Behavior Expectations

Most family therapy training programs employ both didactic and experiential teaching methods, in addition to supervised practice. Experiential methods frequently include asking students to attend personal therapy, to explore their family of origin, and to examine their own personal biases and emotional reactions. It is not uncommon for faculty and supervisors to challenge a student’s thinking process, emotional reactivity, or professionalism. Although the MFT faculty do not intentionally attempt to provoke emotional reactions from students, it is important for students to understand that there may be times throughout the program when they feel emotionally vulnerable.

One ongoing aspect of the program’s evaluation of student readiness for clinical work is the student’s professional disposition. Students are assessed on their professional attitudes and beliefs, and their receptiveness to feedback and challenges, including how students demonstrate these through verbal and non-verbal behaviors. These behaviors are subject to ongoing evaluation by program faculty and administrators.

Faculty members and supervisors are professional gate keepers, who have an ethical responsibility to ensure that students, trainees, and supervisees are both academically and personally or emotionally prepared to remain helpful during intense clinical situations and crises. When a faculty member or supervisor has a concern about a student, they will share this concern with other faculty members, supervisors, and/or the Program Director.

A student who is uncomfortable with being challenged or who expects to experience emotional safety in every aspect of the program should not enroll in the UVU MFT program. Students who experience emotional distress or who become triggered by program content are expected to attend personal therapy and encouraged to talk with their instructor or supervisor. If a student’s emotional reactivity becomes a distraction within the classroom or the cohort, or if a student’s triggers could create risk for a client, that student may be asked to take a leave of absence from the program to address self-of-the-therapist issues.

The MFT program expects students to take a respectful and curious approach to learning, both in the classroom and in the therapy room. Students who demonstrate arrogance about or a disregard for learning may be asked to meet with the Student Development Committee and may be asked to leave the program.

Students are expected to demonstrate professional behavior. This includes attending classes on time and communicating with instructors when absent from class. Professionalism includes returning emails from instructors, administrators, and supervisors quickly (i.e., within two-to-three days, no later than one week). It also includes communicating with instructors, administrators, supervisors, and colleagues in a polite and non-demanding way.

Students should note that they may face remediation processes, which could result in dismissal from the program, for any behavior that does not meet program standards for professionalism.


MFT Student Concerns and Informal Complaints

Complaints Between Students

Students who have a complaint with another student should first attempt to resolve concerns or complaints directly with their peer. If that attempt has been unsuccessful, one or both students may inform the Program Director, who will meet with involved parties to help them resolve concerns. If concern remains unresolved, students are asked to schedule an appointment for conflict coaching or mediation through the Ombuds office. See:

If conflict between students distracts the cohort from instruction or supervision, students may face remediation processes according to Policy 548 and the MFT Remediation Process.

Complaints with Faculty or Supervisors

Concerns and complaints about faculty, supervisors, course content, scheduling, and other program resources should usually be addressed by program faculty and directors.

Students who have concerns with a faculty member are expected to demonstrate professionalism and self-awareness by addressing the concern with that faculty member. If the concern is not sufficiently resolved, the student may take the concern to the MFT Program Director. Please note that the program cannot guarantee anonymity in the complaint process.

If the Program Director is the student’s faculty member, or a concern is not resolved with the Program Director, the student may address the concern with the Associate Department Chair. If the concern is not resolved with the Associate Department Chair, students may direct a concern to the Chair of the Department of Behavioral Science.

If a student has a concern with an off-campus clinical supervisor, the student is expected to demonstrate professionalism and self-awareness by addressing the concern with the off-campus clinical supervisor. If the grievance is not resolved by meeting with the supervisor, the student may take the concern to the MFT Director of Clinical Training. If the concern is not fully resolved after meeting with the MFT Director of Clinical Training, the student is expected to take the concern to the Program Director.

Students with a concern about course content, scheduling and other program resources should address that concern with their faculty member, if relevant to a course, or with the Program Director. Students may share concerns with student representatives who can share that information during faculty meetings. Students may also share concerns anonymously via the Qualtrics link:

Students who escalate a concern beyond an appropriate level (e.g., emailing the Dean or Campus President about a faculty or program concern) may be referred to the Student Development Committee to discuss program policies and appropriate professional boundaries.

The UVU Ombuds serves as a mediator and resource to help resolve disagreements between students and the university. Conversations with the Ombuds are confidential except in matters that require a report (e.g., intent to harm self or others).


BESC Syllabus Statement: Resolution of Disagreements about Course Issues

Occasionally, it is possible to have a disagreement with your instructor about course issues. The Behavioral Science Department has a standard set of procedures to deal with these issues. Please follow these steps if you have an area of concern related to the course:

If your issue is related to routine course issues, you MUST address the issue with your instructor FIRST. Examples of routine course issues include, but are not limited to, concern about a grade, deadlines, and topical matter. If your issue is an ordinary course issue and you don’t reach out to your instructor first, you will be referred back to your instructor. Minor issues may be resolved via email or a phone call. You may also call or email your instructor to schedule an appointment outside of class time to discuss the issue. These approaches should resolve the vast majority of issues students have related to concerns about ordinary issues. At any point during this process, you can receive support, help, and assistance from the UVU Student Ombuds (

For extraordinary issues (e.g., harassment, discrimination, violence, etc…), it is appropriate to contact Ashley Wilson ([email protected] or [email protected]), Title IX Coordinator, first, rather than your instructor.

If your issue is not resolved after reaching out to your instructor, your next step is to contact the Associate Department Chair, Dr. Chris Anderson ([email protected]) via email or during his consultation hours. He will review your situation and will address it with your instructor. Should your situation fail to be resolved by working with the Associate Department Chair, you may approach the Department Chair, Dr. Deb Marrott, with your concern by filling out and submitting a form available to you in the Behavioral Science Department main office (CB 207) or by email from Donna Bott ([email protected]).

Student Formal Complaints & Grievances
Complaints and Grievances
refer to formal complaints filed with the program and/or the university through a formal grievance channel. They refer to issues that may violate students’ rights. Examples include sexual harassment and discrimination” (COAMFTE V.12.5 glossary).

Student Consumer Complaints/Office of University Compliance

Complaints against the University relating to fraud, false advertising, or other deceptive practices can be filed with the Utah Division of Consumer Protection, 160 East 300 South, 2nd Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111, Telephone No. 801-530-6601, Toll Free in Utah at 1-800-721-SAFE.

Complaints regarding institutional non-compliance with specific eligibility requirements, standards for accreditation, or policies of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities can be filed with the commission at

Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action: Discrimination & Harassment

“Utah Valley University provides equal employment opportunities and prohibits any form of (a) discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex/gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran/military status, pregnancy-related condition, genetic information, or otherwise, as provided by state or federal law; (b) harassment, including sexual harassment, toward any individual or group; or (c) retaliation (UVU Policy #165). These demographic traits are commonly referred to as protected classes. Prohibited discrimination occurs when you are subjected to an adverse employment action based upon one or more of the protected classes above.

… If you feel you are experiencing harassing conduct or discrimination, the most important thing you can do is to get help. Please contact the Office for Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action for more information regarding your rights.

Wherever possible, it is the intent of the institution that such concerns be resolved on an informal basis and solely between the parties directly concerned.”


Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action: Title IX

“Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that states: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity.  Sexual harassment, including sexual violence and sexual assault, is a type of discrimination and is prohibited by Title IX and by UVU.”

“Individuals with questions or concerns about Title IX, and/or those who wish to file a complaint of non-compliance, may contact the Equal Opportunity Office located in BA 203 or by email at [email protected].”


UVU Acceptable Use Policy/Technology security

The UVU Acceptable Use Policy applies to use of university technology systems by students, faculty, and staff. For MFT students, this policy applies specifically to the development and storage of clinical records. “All UVU employees and authorized system users are responsible for the security and confidentiality of institutional data, records, and reports. Individuals who have access to confidential data (see GRAMA and/or FERPA for definition of confidential data) are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of such data as a condition of their employment. The unauthorized use of, or access to, confidential data is strictly prohibited and will subject the individual to disciplinary action up to and including termination and up to and including prosecution to the fullest extent permitted by law.

The system access rules of conduct and user responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • System users shall not personally benefit or allow others to benefit from knowledge or information gained by virtue of their work assignments or system access privileges.
  • System users shall not exhibit or divulge the contents of any record or report containing confidential data to any person, except in the execution of assigned duties and responsibilities.
  • System users shall not knowingly include or cause to be included in any record or report a false, inaccurate, or misleading entry.
  • System users shall not knowingly expunge or cause to be expunged data from any record or report, except as is a normal part of their duties. Due caution will be exercised in the storage and disposal of documents and reports containing confidential data, including those stored electronically.
  • System users shall not publish or cause to be published any reports, records, or other information without proper authorization.
  • System users shall comply with information security procedures and rules of conduct as promulgated by the University
  • System users shall not share passwords with office workers or anyone else. Passwords that are written down, stored electronically, or imbedded within automatic log in procedures must be physically secured, e.g., encrypted, password protected, or physically locked.
  • System users are responsible for the proper use of their account, including not allowing others to use their account and insuring that while logged into the account only he/she has access to the account by using means such as password protected screen saves. The system footprints user activity and you will be held responsible for anything done under your login name.
  • No person shall aid, abet, or act in concert with another to violate any part of these rules.


Violation of these rules of conduct may subject an individual to loss of information access privileges, to reprimand, suspension, or dismissal in such manner as is consistent with University policies, and to prosecution under federal and state computer and information security laws.”

The Office of Information Technology publishes UVU IT Standards and Policies, including: Academic Freedom and Information Access (policy 444), Ethics in computer usage (policy 443), Private sensitive information (policy 449), and FERPA (policy 542). The OIT website also houses information about HIPAA laws, a link to the Identity Theft Prevention Program, and a Social Media Protocol.



MFT Social Media & Technology Policy
Students should be professional and respectful in online interactions. Students are also expected to demonstrate appropriate judgment by limiting information posted about their training and clinical work. Students must not post any information about clients on social media sites, even with identifying information obscured. Students should not post anything that defames other students, the program, UVU, or the profession. Students who violate the expectations or guidelines in this policy will be recommended to meet with the Student Development Committee so that a corrective action plan can be developed and academic sanctions imposed.

Research-informed Guidelines for Using Social Media

1) Students should not violate client confidentiality by posting anything about clients. Also, student therapists should not accept client friend requests, which can blur professional and personal boundaries in therapeutic relationships.

2) The use of privacy settings is important. Publishing personal information to the general public can lead to unwanted self-disclosure and invites a risk of stalking by clients. To protect their profile from being viewed by the general public, including clients, students need to stay up to date on privacy setting policies of all their social media sites. Students may want to consider using aliases or managing settings so that their profiles do not show up in searchers.

3) Students should be careful about posting information on a site that could damage their professional reputation. Inappropriate postings can undermine a person’s image and credibility with colleagues, clients, and employers. Negative comments about a faculty member, client, or fellow student can have negative repercussions. Although privacy settings may offer some protection, it is best to assume that everything written could be seen by anyone.

4) Students should carefully consider what pages or groups they choose to join. Belonging to certain fan pages or groups may be seen as an endorsement of certain attitudes or behaviors, which can impact how others view them.  

5) Students should be mindful of the impact that their posts may have on others. Students should be careful about comments posted to a colleague’s wall. They should also consider the potential impact of any pictures or comments posted to their own page that reference another person.

6) Students need to be aware of the ethical concerns related to searching for information about clients on the Internet, including social networking sites. For example, what is the purpose of the search? Will you tell the client in advance of a search? Will you share the results of the search with a client? Will the search be included in a client’s file? Obtaining information without a client’s knowledge or permission could be viewed as an invasion of privacy, which can damage the therapeutic relationship.

Graduate students need to recognize that school lives and personal lives are not separate and distinct. Therapists’ personal lives inform the clinical work they do, which means that therapists need to maintain professionalism in their personal and professional lives. Therapists need to understand that their private lives can come under scrutiny and behave responsibly in their use of social media.

Copied and Edited from: Williams, L., Johnson, E., Patterson, J. E. (2013). The appropriate use and misuse of social media in mft training programs: Problems and prevention. Contemporary Family Therapy, 35, 698-712

Students may not use a phone or other personal devices to record or broadcast UVU classes without formal permission by the faculty member, or a formal ADA letter. Students may not use phones or other personal phones devices to broadcast therapy sessions or supervision meetings. Students may not use personal telephone numbers or email addresses to call, text, or communicate with clients. Google phone numbers are acceptable.

Instructors who do not accept friend requests from current students are trying to maintain a clear boundary between roles.


MFT Continuity Plan

Natural Disaster

The MFT program follows all policies and procedures established by UVU. In the case of a natural disaster or other emergency situation, students and faculty are expected to prioritize their own safety (and client safety if relevant) while adhering to an emergency plan published by the university.

If the emergency affects UVU campus, the Program Director or MFT Director of Clinical Training may receive additional instruction from the Department Chair or Dean, which they will share with students as soon as possible. Students should look for email updates as soon as they are able.

If the emergency affects a student’s location, home, or family, the student should check in with the Program Director by phone or email as soon as they are able.