Plan your future. The Aviation industry needs you.


The School of Aviation Sciences at Utah Valley University has been in operation since 1988, supplying the industry with thousands of graduates. Whether you attend in person or online, you can count on professional support and advisement.

Career Oriented

While a 4-year degree is definitely important, it does not automatically qualify you for the job you want. Your education at UVU helps you gain experience in your field while you study through internships, earn necessary industry certifications, receive mentoring by experienced faculty, and connects you with networks that boost you on your career path.


Aviation has always been one of the “cutting-edge” fields in modern industry. As it enters a period of unprecedented growth, be a part of a field that literally connected the world well-before the internet and continues to thrive on innovation.

Classes begin every 8 weeks

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"My UVU education has prompted and invigorated me to become much more involved in local, national, and even international affairs."
Travis Biggs, UVU Online Graduate


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