Wages and benefits represent the largest expense for most UVU departments. This personnel and timekeeping self-assessment is intended to assist management of all levels in monitoring their payroll expenses and evaluating their compliance to UVU policies and best practices.
Stipends and lump sums must be in accordance with the following policies: Policy 325, Policy 363, andPolicy 327. This requires that an ePAF or eSAF be completed and properly approved (generally by a second-level supervisor and index responsible party). Proper routing of the ePAF / eSAF requires review by People and Culture, Compensation, the Budget Office, and Payroll, which will help guide compliance to these policies. Non-exempt employees should enter and be paid for hours worked through the Time Information Management System (T.I.M.S.) and not on a lump-sum. If a lump-sum payment was inappropriately paid to a non-exempt employee, the supervisor and employee must work with Payroll and People and Culture to ensure that all hours worked, including overtime, are recorded and paid.
Employees accurately record leave hours taken. Supervisors approve leave time taken by their employees (vacation, sick leave, comp time etc.) [Policy 361].
Supervisors notify People and Culture of any sick leave taken by their employees that extends beyond three days [Policy 360].
Leave is taken appropriately within job classification and leave type. Accumulated large balances could be an indicator of employees taking leave without recording it, or job growth requiring additional assistance, and should be investigated.