RMSSTA will not be happening in 2022.
Sign up for the Actors, Productions, or Company categories.
Actors will audition in the 164 seat Noorda Black Box Theatre on the UVU Campus.
Affordable registration rates with online registration mean this is the lowest cost way to connect fabulous college talent with professional summer theatres.
RMSSTA is easily accessed via Salt Lake International Airport, Provo Municipal Airport, Frontrunner, Amtrak, and Greyhound.
Orem and Provo are conveniently located on the Wasatch Front. Utah Valley University is right off of I-15 and is visible from the freeway.
When? |
What? |
Where? |
7:30am - 12:30pm |
Company Check-In |
Main Lobby, Noorda |
7:30am - 3pm |
Actor Check-In |
Main Lobby, Noorda |
7:30am - 6pm |
Preparation Space |
Nu Skin Recital Hall |
8am - 8:30am |
Actor Meeting |
Bastian Theatre |
8:30am - 9am |
Company Meeting |
Bastian Theatre |
9am - 12:30pm |
Actor Auditions |
Bastian Theatre |
11am - 3pm |
Production Personnel Check-In |
NC 646 |
12pm - 5pm |
Production Interviews |
Company Rooms |
12:30pm - 1:30pm |
Off Campus |
1:30pm - 4pm |
Actor Auditions (continued) |
Jones Theatre |
3pm - 4pm |
Dance Warmup |
Dance Space |
4pm - 5:30pm |
Dance Auditions |
Bastian Theatre |
Callbacks |
Company Rooms |
10pm |
Campus Closes |
Regular Auditions will occur on Saturday, January 25th. You have 90 seconds to present
your material. We will be separating musical and non-musical auditions. Musical auditions
must include at least one monologue. You have 90 seconds, either way, to present your
material. Your 90 seconds do not include the statement of your name and audition number.
There will be an accompanist - NO TAPES. You will be seen in groups of 25. Also, for
the convenience of the companies, we will be videotaping all non-Equity actors.
Interviews will occur on Saturday, January 25th only. Technical, administrative, and artistic positions will be posted in the production room in the Gunther Technology Building. Interviews will occur at the companies callback rooms with sign-up sheets posted outside their doors.
Call-back lists will be gathered after each session and posted in the callback room in the Gunther Technology Building. You will sign up for call-backs on the theatres' call back room doors.
We will have combined dance call-backs at the event hotel involving a mover's routine, jazz, ballet, and tap. Please bring appropriate attire and shoes.
What happens at the dance auditions? How hard are the combinations? What type of dance shoes should I wear?
The dance area opens at 3:00pm. The first thing you should do is sign in when you arrive.
From 3:00pm to 3:50pm you will be allowed to warm up, stretch and prepare the way you need to before the first combination is taught. Keep in mind that some companies begin watching you during the warm ups. Make sure your number is visible. From 3:50pm to 4:00pm we will give information and instructions. At 4:00pm, we'll begin teaching the first routine.
Three different combinations will be taught in the order listed below. You may do more than one combination but no more than two. All three combinations will be taught before the actual auditioning occurs. You may learn them all and then decide to add or remove yourself to or from any combination. Many times people feel they are able to do more than combination number one and are fearful of the level and intensity of combination number two. We encourage you to learn the second combination. Companies will be able to judge your ability level by watching you learn the combination as well as execute it later during the audition process. Remember you can always remove or add yourself after you learn it.
Dance Combination #1 (Mover)
This is the least difficult of all three combinations. Fun music is used to let everyone show style and character and relax as much as possible. It will use basic dance steps. Wear Jazz shoes, dance sneakers, or character shoes.
Dance Combination #2 (Trained High Intermediate/Advanced Level Dancer)
This combination will be taught a great deal faster and is for trained dancers. It has two parts. The first part is Jazz and the second part is Ballet. Wear Jazz shoes or Dance sneakers. Jazz shoes are preferred by most companies. After each small group has executed the combination during the actual audition process, each person will be given the opportunity to individually demonstrate a clean double pirouette.
Dance Combination #3 (Intermediate Level Tap Dancer)
Tap shoes should be worn for this combination. Everyone will be given time to quickly change into tap shoes before the combination is taught. This combination will also be taught a great deal faster than combination #1. After each small group has executed the combination during the actual audition process, each person will be given the opportunity to individually demonstrate a clean double or triple time step, 4 double wings and/or 4 double pull backs without music.
Dance audition attire
Please wear dance or fitness attire. Put as much thought into choosing your attire for the dance call back as you do with your earlier audition. Even if you do not consider yourself a dancer or someone with a dancers build, please wear something you would wear to work out in that allows you to move easily and freely. Avoid overly baggy clothes or clothes that will hide the line of your body. Make sure you look good and feel good in your attire. They want to watch you dance not make adjustments to your leotard every 30 seconds. Wear jazz shoes (if you have them), light weight tennis shoes or shoes that support your feet and allow your feet to grip the floor. No bare feet will be allowed on the dance floor.