Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with proficiency the expression of personal creative and artistic
skills in diverse media and technologies, traditional to contemporary, including an
emphasis in one medium. Demonstrate with proficiency knowledge of the diverse artistic
skills, creative expressions, and contextual understandings applied by artists throughout
time and place to communicate the human experience.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with proficiency knowledge of applying and assessing educational
theories and pedagogical practices that support a diverse understanding of 21st century
adolescent development and learning according to state and national art education
standards. Demonstrate with proficiency self-evaluative practices supportive of an
ongoing professional and ethical demeanor of leadership and collaboration in the classroom
and school community.
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with proficiency the application of a broad range of teaching methods
that encourage individual creative expression, critical thinking, and problem solving
for the 21st century secondary classroom. Demonstrate with proficiency the ability
to promote meaningful artistic and creative partnerships and resolutions that empower
individuals, schools, and communities across diverse contexts. Demonstrate with proficiency
teaching methods that engage students’ awareness and critique of the art world and
its impact on social, ethical, and cultural issues within local and global communities.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with proficiency a deep understanding of specific art historical
styles, movements, and trends by presenting or analyzing visual characteristics, techniques,
and approaches.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to conduct scholarly research and to
demonstrate an understanding of current art historical scholarship and academic writing
formalities. Should consider creative and critical thinking skills as evidenced by
well-reasoned and well-researched arguments and analysis that incorporate a level
of original thought.
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with proficiency a deep understanding of the cultural, social, and
historical contexts/influences of specific artworks, styles, and themes. Might consider
(but not limited to): analyzing connections or distinctions between one or more cultures
or time periods, exploring the creation of cultural meaning through symbols and artistic
messages, and analyzing the historical value and relevance of specific artworks or
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate proficient imagery selection and creation. Create proficient design
through hierarchy, negative space, pacing, and graphic elements. Demonstrate proficient
use of typography through selection, pairing, typesetting, and/or stylization.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate committed participation, sincere improvement, and dedicated work
ethic. Present work professionally through variety, individuality, and craftsmanship.
Creative Diversity Communicate concepts clearly and creatively. Exhibit work with others or collaborate on a project, paper, or presentation in a culturally responsible manner.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to competently and professionally implement
the creative process using both observed and imagined images, beginning with ideation
and research, and following through to a compelling and well-crafted finished image.
Demonstrate with competency the implementation of fundamental artistic principles
with professionalism and craftsmanship. Demonstrate with competency the ability to
create images using both digital tools and traditional media.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to effectively communicate and present
oneself and work in a professional manner by developing and maintaining a website
and an online presence through social media. Demonstrate with proficiency knowledge
of conceptual, decorative, and narrative markets. Demonstrate with proficiency the
ability to work with designers, art directors, project leads, and individual clients
(real or hypothetical). Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to explain, defend,
and communicate artwork using vernacular appropriate for a professional/commercial
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to provide unique, relevant, and high-quality
images that successfully meet individual project requirements for a variety of markets,
fields, and industries (real or hypothetical). Demonstrate with proficiency the ability
to produce creative work that is relevant and appropriate for specific and diverse
audiences, taking into account elements including but not limited to: gender, age,
culture, ethnicity, and economic circumstances.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with proficiency the creation of compositions that successfully
use the elements of art and principles of design.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with proficiency the creation of a portfolio of cohesive and unified
work. Demonstrate with proficiency the writing of an artist statement that successfully
explains the process, purpose, and ideas of the student's work. Demonstrate with proficiency
the ability to obtain an exhibition space, organize, advertise, and install an exhibition
of student's art works from the BFA project course/courses.
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with proficiency an individual expression/voice in student's art.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to create imagery on a professional
level within the student's chosen emphasis. Demonstrate with proficiency the ability
to conceptualize and execute concept within a photographic image.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to execute a professional-level body
of photographic work. Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to self-critique and
edit photographic work in a way that reflects a professional level of aptitude and
knowledge of technical and artistic skill sets.
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to include individual expression/voice
in a given body of photographic work. Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to
communicate and express unique ideas within photographic work.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to articulate elements and principles
of design. Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to control the given (material)
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with proficiency technical knowledge of studio maintenance and proper
use of space and materials. Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to produce a
quality sculpture/ceramics portfolio to facilitate admission into graduate schools,
to approach galleries, to enter shows, or to establish other means of marketing student's
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with proficiency the exploration of a range of concept development,
originality, historical research, and creativity.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with proficiency the creation of compositions that successfully
use the elements of art and principles of design.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to execute a professional-level body
of work (in at least one form of media) in a way that reflects a professional level
of aptitude and knowledge of technical and artistic skill sets.
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to include individual expression/voice
in a given body of work or to communicate and express unique ideas.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate competent imagery selection and creation. Create competent design
through hierarchy, negative space, pacing, and graphic elements. Demonstrate competent
use of typography through selection, pairing, typesetting, or stylization.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate committed participation, sincere improvement, and dedicated work
ethic. Present work professionally through variety, individuality, and craftsmanship.
Creative Diversity
Communicate concepts clearly and creatively.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with competency the ability to competently and professionally implement
the creative process using both observed and imagined images, beginning with ideation
and research and following through to a compelling and well-crafted finished image.
Demonstrate with competency the implementation of fundamental artistic principles
with professionalism and craftsmanship. Demonstrate with competency the ability to
create images using both digital tools and traditional media.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with competency the ability to effectively communicate and present
oneself and work in a professional manner by developing and maintaining a website
and an online presence through social media. Demonstrate with competency knowledge
of conceptual, decorative, and narrative markets. Demonstrate with competency the
ability to work with designers, art directors, project leads, and individual clients
(real or hypothetical). Demonstrate with competency the ability to explain, defend,
and communicate artwork using vernacular appropriate for a professional/commercial
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with proficiency the ability to provide unique, relevant, and high-quality
images that successfully meet individual project requirements for a variety of markets,
fields, and industries (real or hypothetical). Demonstrate with proficiency the ability
to produce creative work that is relevant and appropriate for specific and diverse
audiences, taking into account elements including but not limited to: gender, age,
culture, ethnicity, and economic circumstances.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with competency the ability to create imagery on a professional
level within the student's chosen emphasis. Demonstrate with competency the ability
to conceptualize and execute concept within a photographic image.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with competency the ability to execute a professional-level body
of photographic work. Demonstrate with competency the ability to self-critique and
edit photographic work in a way that reflects a professional level of aptitude and
knowledge of technical and artistic skill sets.
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with competency the ability to include individual expression/voice
in a given body of photographic work. Demonstrate with competency the ability to communicate
and express unique ideas within photographic work.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with competency the creation of compositions that successfully use
the elements of art and principles of design.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with competency the ability to execute a professional-level body
of work (in at least one form of media) in a way that reflects a professional level
of aptitude and knowledge of technical and artistic skill sets.
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with competency the ability to include individual expression/voice
in a given body of work or to communicate unique ideas.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with competency the creation of compositions that successfully use
the elements of art and principles of design.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with competency the ability to execute a professional-level body
of work (in at least one form of media) in a way that reflects a professional level
of aptitude and knowledge of technical and artistic skill sets.
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with competency the ability to include individual expression/voice
in a given body of work or to communicate and express unique ideas.
Visual Literacy
Demonstrate with competency a deep understanding of specific art historical
styles, movements, and trends by presenting or analyzing visual characteristics, techniques,
and approaches.
Professional Excellence
Demonstrate with competency the ability to conduct scholarly research and to
demonstrate an understanding of current art historical scholarship and academic writing
formalities. Show consideration of creative and critical thinking skills as evidenced
by well-reasoned and well-researched arguments and analysis that incorporate a level
of original thought.
Creative Diversity
Demonstrate with competency a deep understanding of the cultural, social, and
historical contexts/influences of specific artworks, styles, and themes. Might consider
(but not limited to): analyzing connections or distinctions between one or more cultures
or time periods, exploring the creation of cultural meaning through symbols and artistic
messages, and analyzing the historical value and relevance of specific artworks or