Darkroom usage is only available during posted open lab times or during a class that you are currently enrolled in.
Last print goes in the developer a half hour before closing. No exceptions.
You may not start developing film less than an hour before closing. No exceptions.
The last 15 minutes of open lab and class is reserved for clean-up and lights will be turned on.
This includes work in the classroom.
When you finish working on an open lab day, you must return all checked out equipment and agree to complete a cleaning assignment chosen from a cleaning list.
Certain chemicals are not available during open lab times unless an exception is scheduled by the instructor.
This includes toning, bleaching, and historic processes chemicals.
If you are not respecting others during open lab time, you will be asked to leave.
Not dripping chemicals off of prints between trays.
No Splashing of chemicals.
No turning lights/phones on in darkrooms.
Not using trays under prints when bringing prints out of darkroom.
The TA office is for checkout and film scanning only. No loitering :)
If you leave the door taped or blocked open with the studio unattended, you will lose studio privileges.
Studio time is scheduled for those currently enrolled in a lighting class.
Times that are still available are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you are not approved for proximity access, then you cannot schedule time in the studio.
BFA students and students currently enrolled in a lighting class are the only ones approved for proximity access.
All equipment must be appropriately broken down and returned to designated spots.
Any mess that is made must be fully cleaned up.
No standing on painted surfaces or seamless paper unless shoes are taped or cleaned.
Absolutely no standing on, running, skating, biking, or jumping on the sweep or anything else that Travis and John would consider stupid of you.
If you leave perceptible footprints on the paper backdrops, you must replace the backdrop, or if you are using the cove and marks and footprints are present, you must clean and paint the cove.
If you are accepted into the BFA program, all equipment is eligible for checkout and use.
You must be trained on the Imacon or Beast before either can be used.
If you have not been accepted into the BFA program, you may use certain equipment that is approved for the class you are currently enrolled in.
Photo II - 4x5 camera kits, light meters, and accessories.
Darkroom Techniques - Holgas (These are available to anyone currently enrolled
in a photography class after completions of this class)
Color Photo - Filters and calibration equipment
Lighting I - Dynalite Lighting kits and accessories
Lighting II - D1 Air kit and accessories.
There is a list in the TA office of equipment available for off-campus checkout. If it is not on the list, it is not available for checkout. No exceptions.
Equipment is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Equipment can be reserved in advance if being used for a BFA project. Approval must be given by full-time faculty.
Equipment must be returned the following day that the lab is open.
Equipment must be checked in by 1 1/2 hours before closing.
You may not recheck out equipment the same day as returned.
You can only check-out equipment when a TA is scheduled and present.
Check-in of equipment may only occur when a TA is scheduled and present.
You are responsible for reporting any damage or loss of equipment.
Repair or replacement liability will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
If you do not report damages, you will be held fully liable or lose checkout
Normal wear and tear will be determined by lab aids and faculty.
We operate on a one-strike policy. If you return equipment late, you lose your check out privileges. No exceptions, regardless of where you are in the program. You may get check out privileges restored by doing one of a list of pre-approved chores in the darkroom or in the studio. If equipment is more than one week late, then you lose check out privileges for two months. Extended abuse may result in permanent loss of check out privileges. Damaged equipment may result in a strike or a complete loss of check out privileges. This will be determined by full-time faculty. You are liable for equipment until officially checked in. If you leave equipment without checking it in with a TA during scheduled hours, you will receive a strike. Strikes will not be wiped clean at the end of the semester. The strike will stay on your record until an approved job is completed and, as a result, is forgiven.