SAA Crest


saa crest

A: Utah Valley University

Founded in 1941, our university has a mission to achieve student success, which we do by supporting students in a serious, inclusive, and engaged learning environment. We emphasize engaged learning and community collaboration, foster a culture of academic rigor and excellence, and provide opportunities for individuals from all walks of life.

B: Fidelis et Verus

Latin for loyal and true—student alumni are "students today, Wolverines forever," meaning they are loyal and true to their alma mater and fellow student alumni.

C: Student Alumni Ribbon Banner

Represents the pride you have in your alma mater so that you carry the banner of SAA proudly and instill its values into the heart of every member.

D: Shield

Represents honor—student alumni bring honor to the Student Alumni Association and represent themselves in honorable ways to fellow students and alumni.

E: Fleur-de-lis

Represents perfection, light (knowledge), and life—student alumni are expected to maintain excellence in their personal and public life.

F: Center Cross

Represents four central points (north, south, east, west), thus denoting direction and center of an axis—student alumni stay centered and focused in accomplishing their mission.

G: Laurel Branches

Represents victory and achievement, particularly in reaching our SAA purposes to build loyalty, educate students about what it means to be alumni, give back, and develop leaders.