UVU Architecture is dedicated to educating the next generation of architects and designers!


Each semester our architecture students produce incredible design projects. Throughout their education at UVU, architecture students gain experience designing an array of different building typologies to prepare them for professional practice. These can range from small monuments, custom residences, restaurants, museums, libraries, hotels, religious structures, schools, and even large urban planning masterplans. They design these projects either as individuals or through team based collaboration.  At the culmination of each project, students present their work to a panel of outside guest critics and design professionals. These invited guests also serve as jury members for our annual UVU Architecture Design Awards.

Featured below is a compilation of selected student work from the undergraduate program in architecture. It represents some of the top design projects that our students have produced as part of their coursework.


Arches: A Journal of Student Work from the Utah Valley University Architecture Program



Select student work from first year coursework.


Select student work from second year coursework.


Select student work from third year coursework.


Select student work from fourth year coursework.


Select student work from fifth year coursework.