The Advisor Certification Program supports the success of students as they interact with advisors who are professionally trained and engaged in continuous professional improvement. The program provides training and evidence of advisors’ knowledge of academic advisement concepts and advisement practices at UVU.
***Check your progress toward certification in the Advisor Certification Tracking (ACT) System here.***
Module 1: Introduction to Advising and UVU | Module 8: Proactive Academic Advising |
Module 2: The First Week | Module 9: Campus Resources and Services |
Module 3: Certification and Professional Development | Module 10: Career and Graduate Resources |
Module 4: FERPA | Module 11: Advising Theories and Pedagogies |
Module 5: Advisement Technologies | Module 12:Communication Skills & Mental Health |
Module 6: WolverineTrack, Degree Fundamentals, and Academic Standards | Module 13: Refining Your Skills |
Module 7: Day to Day Needs |
Note: A Module on Inclusive Advising is currently being reviewed for compliance with HB 261.
In-Person Workshops are designed to discuss the application of the material learned in the online training modules.
Workshop A: Cadence Mongoose & Civitas Inspire
Workshop B: Graduation Requirements - Registrar's Office & Wolverine Track
Workshop C: Career Advising & Career & Internship Services
Workshop D: Developing Your Own Advising Style
Workshop E: Communication Skills & Mental Health
Workshop F: Academic Coaching & Educational Standards and ESS
Observations include both observing an experienced advisor and being observed by others while advising to receive valuable feedback.
Observe a minimum of nine (9) certified advisors. No more than two (2) advisors per college/school/center.
Be observed a minimum of three (3) times by:
Complete a reflection/action plan after each of the twelve (12) observations.
Performance Assessments are completed with the supervisor at 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-months to assess the understanding of various job duties, set goals, and evaluate any changes that need to be made.
For any questions regarding New Advisor Certification requirements, please contact Advisor Training.
After completing the New Advisor Certification their first year, advisors must complete the following requirements each of the next two (2) years.
Advisor Education Units (AEU) are equivalent to an hour of professional development or service. A minimum of twenty (20) AEUs are required during the certification period.
A minimum of six (6) AEUs must be earned by participating in training and development sessions offered by the Office of University Advising, which are categorized according to the following competency groupings. A session must be completed from each grouping.
(GREEN) Advisors model professional behavior
(RED) Advisors thoroughly understand program requirements, and resources and services
available to students at UVU
(YELLOW) Advisors provide information to their students using a variety of communication
methods and soft skills
(BLUE) Advisors effectively operate necessary technologies, and use data and assessment
to guide and inform their work
(PURPLE) Advisors are inclusive in nature and care about the individual needs and
circumstances of every student
(ORANGE) Advisors employ a variety of advising approaches and methods to impact the
success of students
In addition to participating in training and development sessions and conferences sponsored by the Office of University Advising, AEUs may be earned the following ways, as approved by the advisor's supervisor.
Observations include both observing another experienced advisor and being observed by their supervisor to receive valuable feedback.
Observe at least one (1) certified advisor from another college/school/center
Be observed by supervisor
Complete a reflection/action plan after each of the observations.
Note: Years 2 and 3 of the New Advisor Certification follow the calendar year of January 1- December 31. Those who complete their Year 1 certification before July 1st will complete their Year 2 by the December of that same year. Those who complete their Year 1 certification July 1st or later will complete their Year 2 by the December of the following year.
For any questions regarding the New Advisor Certification Process, please contact Advisor Training.
After completing New Advisor Certification, years 1 through 3, advisors must complete the following requirements every other year going forward.
Advisor Education Units (AEU) are equivalent to an hour of professional development or service. A minimum of twenty (20) AEUs are required during the certification period.
A minimum of six (6) AEUs must be earned by participating in training and development sessions offered by the Office of University Advising, which are categorized according to the following competency groupings. A session must be completed from each grouping.
(GREEN) Advisors model professional behavior
(RED) Advisors thoroughly understand program requirements, and resources and services
available to students at UVU
(YELLOW) Advisors provide information to their students using a variety of communication
methods and soft skills
(BLUE) Advisors effectively operate necessary technologies, and use data and assessment to guide and inform their work
(PURPLE) Advisors are inclusive in nature and care about the individual needs and circumstances of every student
(ORANGE) Advisors employ a variety of advising approaches and methods to impact the success of students
In addition to participating in training and development sessions and conferences sponsored by the Office of University Advising, AEUs may be earned the following ways, as approved by the advisor's supervisor.
Observations include both observing another experienced advisor and being observed by their supervisor to receive valuable feedback.
Observe at least two (2) certified advisors from another college/school/center
Be observed by supervisor
Complete a reflection/action plan after each of the observations.
For any questions regarding the Continuing Advisor Certification process, please contact Advisor Training.
Advising supervisors must complete the following requirements every other year.
Advisor Education Units (AEU) are equivalent to an hour of professional development or service. A minimum of twenty (20) AEUs are required during the certification period.
A minimum of six (6) AEUs must be earned by participating in training and development sessions offered by the Office of University Advising, which are categorized according to the following competency groupings. A session must be completed from each grouping.
(GREEN) Advisors model professional behavior
(RED) Advisors thoroughly understand program requirements, and resources and services
available to students at UVU
(YELLOW) Advisors provide information to their students using a variety of communication
methods and soft skills
(BLUE) Advisors effectively operate necessary technologies, and use data and assessment to guide and inform their work
(PURPLE) Advisors are inclusive in nature and care about the individual needs and circumstances of every student
(ORANGE) Advisors employ a variety of advising approaches and methods to impact the success of students
In addition to participating in training and development sessions and conferences sponsored by the Office of University Advising, AEUs may be earned the following ways, as approved by the advisor's supervisor.
Observations include both observing another advising supervisor and being observed by an advising supervisor to receive valuable feedback.
Conduct a discussion on best practices for supervising advisors with another advising supervisor
Complete a reflection/action plan after the discussion.
For any questions regarding the Advising Supervisor Certification process, please contact Advisor Training.