Foundation Ambassadors

Foundation Student Ambassador Program

The Foundation Board recognized its ten outstanding past chairs by establishing the UVU Foundation Ambassador Endowed Scholarship. The recipients of this scholarship become UVU Foundation Student Ambassadors, charged with representing the institution at key events throughout the year. The scholarship is awarded to ten UVU students, one in the name of each board chair to honor the chairs' dedication and loyalty to the University.


The UVU Foundation Student Ambassador program aims to support the work of the UVU Foundation and the Division of Institutional Advancement through student ambassadorship-select students serving as the face of UVU and its students and telling the story of the University.


The program assembles a group of student leaders dedicated to UVU and its mission and eager to develop the skills for ambassadorship, to represent UVU, and to assist its administration. As a result of their participation, these students will become better prepared to serve in their professions and as leaders in their communities.


The program will establish and maintain a specially trained group of UVU students equipped to effectively represent the University in a strategic and uniformly branded way, with a goal of engaging current and prospective donors, friends, alumni, and VIPs. Ambassadorship will provide an experiential opportunity for students and will support UVU's mission of engaged learning.


  • Promote UVU's mission, academic excellence, and core themes.
  • Provide a positive link to students for donors and alumni at development, alumni, and presidential events and at the University in general. Assist during key campus events in any capacity necessary.
  • Represent the Foundation in philanthropic and fundraising efforts.
  • Promote the UVU Foundation Board, the Alumni Association Board, and other UVU advisory boards as needed.
  • Conduct campus tours for VIP visitors, current and prospective donors, and returning alumni.
  • Greet and welcome visitors to campus, specifically in the Alumni House.
  • Promote volunteer participation or attendance at UVU activities as directed.

Become a Foundation Ambassador

2024-2025 Foundation Ambassadors

profile image of Ana Chicuasaque
Ana Chicuasaque

Ana Chicuasaque '25

Major: Marketing

Bogotá, Colombia, has been home to Ana her whole life. Moving to the United States to attend Utah Valley University (UVU) brought its own set of challenges. She has now discovered a sense of belonging and is surrounded by caring individuals who make her time abroad much smoother.

“I am enthusiastic about sharing with others the inclusive and transformative experience that UVU offers. I am driven by a desire to express my gratitude for the opportunities UVU has afforded me.”
– Ana Chicuasuque

Ana has discovered her passion for community service and leadership at UVU. She served on UVU's International Student Council (ISC) and was recently elected as the president for the upcoming academic year. She is also actively involved in UVU’s Latino Initiative and is a current UVU Foundation Ambassador.

profile image Caleb Cutler
Caleb Cutler

Caleb Cutler '25

Major: Healthcare Administration

Making a difference in people’s lives is Caleb’s passion. From volunteering at the Together We Shine Organization to diligently studying healthcare administration and making friends with other Utah Valley University (UVU) students, Caleb’s desire to lift those around him is evident.

“UVU has given me many opportunities to grow myself, connect with others, and build a better experience for the students of UVU. Connecting with students on campus has been among the most impactful for me.”
– Caleb Cutler

For the past two years, Caleb has been involved with the UVU Student Association, holding various positions on the council including vice president of student activitie. He is also on the Healthcare Administration club presidency and is a recipient of the Den Fan of the Year award for his avid support of UVU athletics. Caleb now serves as a UVU Foundation Ambassador as he seeks to make a difference at the University.

profile image of Mery Deiliare
Mery Deiliare

Mery Deiliare '25

Major: Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience & Applied Communications

Moving to the United States from the Dominican Republic, Mery faced numerous challenges including cultural adjustment, language barriers, and moments of loneliness. However, her love for education, her drive to overcome obstacles, and the support of her parents and mentors propelled her forward.

“Trying new things can be daunting, but with hard work, faith, passion, and a love for learning, you can overcome anything to pursue your passions."
- Mery Deilaire

She is currently serving as the Chair of the Utah Valley University (UVU) Foundation Ambassador Program. Mery has engaged deeply with UVU as she previously served as a Club Ambassador and Inter Club Council President, a member of the Multicultural Student Council, a Peer Mentor for First Generation and Social Impact initiatives, and participated in the Cultural Envoy Leadership Program. These experiences have provided her with opportunities to develop leadership skills, form meaningful connections, and make a positive difference in the community.

profile image Tayler Fearn
Tayler Fearn

Tayler Fearn '25

Major: Bioinformatics

Living in various parts of Canada and the United States throughout her life, Tayler has learned to adapt and thrive in many environments. She chose to attend Utah Valley University (UVU) after hearing of the excellent bioinformatics program.

“UVU has provided me with unparallel support and opportunities. I never imagined the experiences that UVU has afforded me, but I found people who believed in me before I believed in myself. I am eternally grateful for UVU and how it has transformed my outlook on life.”
– Tayler Fearn

Tayler has engaged in diverse learning experiences beyond the classroom at UVU. She’s held leadership roles in the interfaith student council, UVUSA inclusion, the Honors Program, and the UVU Foundation Ambassador Program. Additionally, Tayler has conducted bioinformatics research both on and off campus. Her research was recognized among the applications of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from 15 countries around the world by the Mycological Society of America.

profile image Eli Holdaway
Eli Holdaway

Eli Holdaway '26

Major: Finance

Utah Valley University (UVU) was not always part of Eli’s plans, however, his mind quickly changed when he was immersed into an inclusive culture with impactful professors and unique learning opportunities.

“After one semester, I began to fall in love with UVU and its culture. I felt really seen as an individual. I had always heard stories from students attending other universities where they felt like their professors didn’t care about them, but I felt the opposite here.”
– Eli Holdaway

In addition to serving as a UVU Foundation Ambassador, Eli has also been involved with the Wolverine Ambassadors, the Wolverine Fund, and the new Sandbox program at UVU. His mentors on campus also helped him connect to community programs such as Utah Innovation Fund, Convoi Ventures, and University Growth Fund. These opportunities have allowed him to become a better communicator and build plans for his future.

profile image Skye Kaiser
Skye Kaiser

Skye Kaiser '27

Major: Writing Studies & National Security

Despite the challenges of growing up in foster care, Skye Kaiser discovered a profound sense of belonging at UVU. She was born and raised in Germany and lived across the United States until she landed in Utah to attend Utah Valley University (UVU).

“I want to inspire others. I want to be proof that even if you come from a tough background, you can do big things. My UVU mentors have cheered me on without judging me when I felt like giving up. Life as an immigrant is hard for me in many ways, and they have always been understanding of my struggles and fears, even when they cannot relate to them. Their empathy is something that has made me feel so loved.”
– Skye Kaiser

Skye is currently serving as a UVU Foundation Ambassador and spends her spare time at UVU’s religious LDS institute building. She also works at a non-profit mental health clinic that provides uninsured or low-income individuals with affordable mental health care.

profile image Olga Mykytka
Olga Mykytka

Olga Mykytka '26

Major: Web Design

Building friendships and creating a new chapter of her life in the United States has been a defining moment for Olga. Utah Valley University (UVU) helped her adapt to a new lifestyle and provided opportunities to find friends and make connections. Born in the Ivano-Frankivsk region of Western Ukraine, Olga moved to the United States seven years ago after attending a college fair in Ukraine. She felt drawn to UVU and is now studying web design with an emphasis in interaction design.

“UVU became my home far away from home and being its ambassador is a big honor for me. I am grateful for this opportunity and excited for all the upcoming events! Go Wolverines!”
– Olga Mykytka

At the beginning of her college career, Olga was involved in the ESL program and the UVU International Student Council. She is now on the UVU Product Team and serves as a UVU Foundation Ambassador.

profile image Emmalie Parker
Emmalie Parker

Emmalie Parker '25

Major: Healthcare Administration

First-generation student, Emmalie Parker, is studying Healthcare Administration at Utah Valley University (UVU). After completing her bachelor’s degree, she plans to further her education with a master’s degree and become an advocate for health equity. Moving from Arizona to attend UVU, came with challenges – but Emmalie has shown immense growth and is on a path full of success.

“I have developed a deep love and passion for UVU since becoming a student. I feel that UVU is very conducive to collaboration. By being an active participant in my classes, I have been presented with many opportunities to collaborate and hear the stories of others. I am so thankful that UVU has equipped me with the tools and belief to aim high in my career.”
– Emmalie Parker

Her involvement in student groups and campus initiatives has prepared her for a successful future in healthcare. In addition to serving as a UVU Foundation Ambassador, Emmalie is heavily involved in the UVU honors program. She also assists on campus research initiatives and supports students with similar majors.

profile image Alyssa Roylance
Alyssa Roylance

Alyssa Roylance '25

Major: Health Science

An innate love of learning has propelled Alyssa forward in her education. Her goal to become a physician assistant has become attainable with the help of scholarships and encouragement from her mentors. Her college career has allowed her to master the art of balancing school and work to prepare her for a future in healthcare.

“UVU has provided me with opportunities and experiences that have shaped my educational journey in ways I could not have imagined. It's easy to shy away from something difficult, but my mentors have helped me realize that nothing good comes easy. Their encouragement and insights have pushed me to seize new opportunities.”
– Alyssa Roylance

In addition to serving as a UVU Foundation Ambassador, Alyssa is actively involved in the UVU Pre-PA Club and currently works as a phlebotomist. Previously, she was a member of the UVU Women's Rugby Team, served as the Executive Events Ambassador, and worked at the Women's Success Center.

profile image Mohamed Toure
Mohamed Toure

Mohamed Toure '26

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Mohamed has lived all over Africa, including Mali, Niger, and the Republic of Congo. He moved to Utah to experience the invaluable experiences and opportunities Utah Valley University (UVU) provides. He has appreciated the engaging classes, diverse extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and personal growth he has found at UVU.

“UVU's commitment to excellence and inclusivity inspired my desire to explore the opportunities it offered. I am committed to being a driving force for positive change and a proud ambassador of UVU's mission and values.”
– Mohamed Toure

Not only is Mohamed a UVU Foundation Ambassador, he is also actively involved in the Wolverine Ambassador and Lead program. These leadership opportunities allow him to give back to UVU. In his spare time, he volunteers in his community by organizing Ramadan events. These experiences have created a sense of community and inclusivity and made his time at UVU meaningful.

profile image Henry Wolthuis
Henry Wolthuis

Henry Robert Wolthuis '25

Major: National Securities Studies

Henry found his passion in leadership and government, making the National Securities Studies program at Utah Valley University (UVU) a perfect fit in his educational journey. This program will provide him with the tools he needs to attend law school and ultimately make a difference in his community.

“My advice to students is get involved. There are resources available if you put yourself out there. You’ll even learn and grow too!”
– Henry Robert Wolthuis

In addition to being an honors student, Henry is currently a Presidential Intern in the division of Administration and Strategic Relations and will be the President of the National Security Society for the 2024-2025 school year. He is also an editor for the UVU Security Review and the lead writer of the “In the Interest of National Security” Podcast. Amid his many commitments, he has chosen to make a difference as the University by serving as a UVU Foundation Ambassador.