- Copy of the military orders placing you in Utah on active-duty assignment.
- Copy of your current military ID card.
- Copy of the military orders placing the service member in Utah on active duty assignment.
- Copy of the military service member’s military ID card and a copy of your military
privilege card.
- Evidence of family relationship (Service member’s tax return, birth certificate, marriage
- Copy of Military DD-214, which includes proof of honorable or general discharge.
- Objective evidence that you have demonstrated an intent to establish residency in
Utah, which may include any one of the following:
- Utah voter registration card
- Utah driver’s license or identification card Utah vehicle registration
- Evidence of employment in Utah
- Rental agreement showing your name and a Utah address
- Utility bills showing your name and Utah address
- Copy of military veteran’s DD-214, which includes proof of honorable or general discharge.
- If applicant is the dependent child or spouse of the U.S. military veteran, a copy
of the military service member’s most recent federal tax return verifying they claimed
the applicant as a tax dependent or copy of birth certificate or marriage certificate.
- Objective evidence that you have demonstrated an intent to establish residency in
Utah, which may include any one of the following:
- Utah voter registration card
- Utah driver’s license or identification card
- Utah vehicle registration
- Evidence of employment in Utah
- Rental agreement showing your name and a Utah address
- Utility bills showing your name and Utah address
- Marriage certificate
- Evidence of eligibility under Title 38 U.S. Code Chapter 30, Montgomery G.I. Gill
–Active Duty Educational Assistance Program, or Chapter 33, Post 9/11 Educational
Assistance Program. Students may obtain verification from the VA or online through
their eBenefits account and work with UVU Veterans service center.
- Objective evidence that you have demonstrated an intent to establish residency in
Utah, which may include any one of the following:
- Utah voter registration card
- Utah driver’s license or identification card
- Utah vehicle registration
- Evidence of employment in Utah
- Rental agreement showing your name and a Utah address
- Utility bills showing your name and Utah address
An Individual who maintains residency in Utah with an intent to return but who is
serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and is assigned outside of Utah (Includes
the situation where the student is a spouse or dependent child)
- A copy of the military service member’s military identification card (if applicant
is a dependent child or spouse, a copy of the applicant’s military privilege card.
- A copy of the military service member’s most recent military orders.
- Objective evidence that you have demonstrated an intent to establish residency in
Utah, which may include any one of the following:
- Utah voter registration card
- Utah driver’s license or identification card
- Utah vehicle registration
- Evidence of employment in Utah
- Rental agreement showing your name and a Utah address
- Utility bills showing your name and Utah address
- If applicant is a dependent child or spouse, a copy of the military service member’s
most recent federal tax return verifying they claimed the applicant or filed a joint
tax return.
- Copy of orders
- Copy of transcripts from Utah school
The foreign service member is domiciled in Utah, recognizing the individual may not
be physically present in the state due to an assignment:
- Documents that show domicile
- Or -
The foreign service member is assigned to a duty station in Utah
- Evidence of the foreign service members status
- Statement from the foreign service members current commander, or equivalent, stating
the foreign service member is assigned to Utah OR evidence that the foreign service
member is domiciled in Utah.
Note: the following are members of the service:
- Chiefs of mission, appointed under section 3942(a)(1) or assigned under section 3982(c);
- Ambassadors at large, appointed under section 3942(a)(1);
- Members of the Senior Foreign Service, appointed under section 3942(a)(1) or 3943, who are the corps of leaders and experts for the management of the Service and the
performance of its functions;
- Foreign Service officers, appointed under section 3942(a)(1), who have general responsibility for carrying out the functions of the Service;
- Foreign Service personnel, United States citizens appointed under section 3943, who provide skills and services required for effective performance by the Service;
- Foreign national employees, foreign nationals appointed under section 3943, who provide clerical, administrative, technical, fiscal, and other support at Foreign
Service posts abroad; and
- Consular agents, appointed under section 3943 by the Secretary of State, who provide consular and related services as authorized
by the Secretary of State at specified locations abroad where no Foreign Service posts
are situated.