Current UVU Concurrent Enrollment Students

If you have previously been admitted to UVU as a Concurrent Enrollment student AND are in your senior year of high school, congratulations! You are automatically readmitted as a new incoming student at Utah Valley University.

Once you are readmitted, you will receive your acceptance letter and next steps via email around the first part of October of your senior year of high school.

What Next?

Step 1: Login to myUVU

The myUVU portal has the handy “My Enrollment Tasks” checklist and your student email address. If you have any issues, contact the Service Desk.

Step 2: Scholarships

Submit your Transcripts for Scholarship Consideration: You have already been admitted to UVU, but to be considered for scholarships, you still need to submit your latest high school transcripts before March 1.

Talk to your school counseling office to send official high school transcripts to UVU. Transcripts should be emailed directly to or mailed to:

Utah Valley University
Admissions Office, MS 106
800 West University Parkway
Orem, UT 84058-6703

Step 3: Orientation

Complete Orientation: Orientation helps new students find success. The first part is online and easy to complete.

Step 4: Contact Advisor

Every student has an academic advisor. They will meet with you in person, over the phone, or online and help you get into the right classes. Just reach out and let them know you’re a new student.

Step 5: Register for Classes

Register for Classes: Starting mid-April, put a schedule together that works for you. Log into myUVU and select the Registration & Academics tab. You can register for classes using the Banner registration system or the Schedule Wizard.

Still have Questions? Contact Admissions:

UVU admissions office


800 West University Pkwy, Orem, UT 84058