Master Room List
Academic Classrooms & Labs


Type       Description         Use       Description         Use       Description
A   Assembly   110   Classroom   410   Study Room
ASO   Academic Scheduling   115   Service / Study Room   520   Athletic / Physical Ed
Class   Classroom   210   Class Lab   525   Athletic / Physical Ed Service
CR   Conference Room   215   Class Lab Service   530   Media Production
ES   Event Services   220   Open Lab*   540   Clinic
Lab   Specialty Lab   220   Seminar Room   550   Demonstration Lab
S   Seminar Room   230   Auto / Trade Lab*   610   Assembly
W06   Public Corridor   350   Conference Room   670   Recreation
                680   Meeting Room
                    *Discipline specific space


Did You Know...?

  • Per USHE policy R751, Institutional Facilities Space Utilization, higher education institutions monitor room utilization using two metrics:
    • Room Utilization Rates ("RUR") -- measures how many hours a room is scheduled for use in a given time period, and
    • Station Occupancy Rates ("SOR") -- measures the number of seats (or stations) that are occupied as a percent of total capacity.
      • Classroom SOR: 66.7% seat occupancy.
      • Laboratory SOR: 80% seat occupancy.
    • To calculate SOR (aka "utilization") for a course section, divide the number of registered students by the maximum room capacity (e.g., 19 / 30 = 63%).
  • The majority of general classrooms include new technology and recording capabilities. Rooms with standard media may not include Kaltura recording capabilities. For questions or equipment assistance, please contact Audio Visual Services and Engineering, x1111.
  • The capacity ("Max") of each space reflects the maximum student seating allowed (per Fire Marshal review) under normal circumstances.
  • To calculate the reduced max capacity for social distancing, simply multiply the room's current max capacity by 40% (e.g., 50 x 40% = 20).
Building Room Max Type Use Notes Authority Phase 1--Preschedule Authority Setup

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