As part of the Program Participation Agreement (PPA) with the Department of Education,
UVU is established as a standard term-based school; we have an academic calendar with designated start and end dates.
Part of term codes capture specific start and end dates of a term/semester and are
in accordance with the Academic Calendar Committee. Each code includes specific dates
to regulate registration, add/drop/withdrawal periods, tuition and fee assessment,
late registration, Canvas open/close, SRI’s, grading, and more.
Financial Aid Restrictions
Programs (along with associated courses) eligible for Federal Financial Aid must fall
within the established terms. Classes may begin up to two weeks before the start of
the term and/or end up to two weeks after the term but cannot overlap the start or endpoint of another term.
Programs that are not Federal Aid eligible (non-degree seeking) are exempt from this
restriction; however, they may require Financial Aid office review.
Miscellaneous Code Requirements
Miscellaneous part of term codes can be created upon request for unique programs.
To facilitate the registration process, codes are created in the semester where instruction
begins (but in some cases may be in the semester where most of the instruction occurs,
or to facilitate Financial Aid). Each code:
must encompass all time requirements within the start and end dates, including online readings and discussions, all seat time, assignment completion,
testing and final submission(s), State / Federal holidays are not counted as instruction
days; students cannot be required to attend.
cannot be adjusted once created and applied to a section (negatively affects federal financial aid disbursements),
must be requested prior to submitting section request(s) in CourseLeaf CLSS by authorized
schedulers only,
shall not be requested less than three weeks prior to the actual semester start date
(to allow for student registration and to prevent late registration fees),
may be subject to shortened add/drop/withdrawal and grading dates,
when scheduled between Fall and Spring terms, sections must be created in the Spring
term to facilitate Financial Aid disbursements,
cannot overlap standard semesters if program is eligible for federal financial aid,
are unique to the semester and year they’re created for and do not copy to the next
Miscellaneous part of term codes are required for special programs including, but
not limited to: