Section Numbering

The "Section" field simply identifies the number of course sections offered via each delivery method. It is not used to identify a part of term, building, number of credits, or specific program (information that is easily identified in other fields).

Alpha Ranges
H__, J__ HSCE:  High School Concurrent Enrollment students only
(excludes Live Interactive and Livestream)
I__ Individualized:  Independent Study (not used for internships)
X01 - X99 Online:  Resident / Local students only (on-budget, excludes X51 - X59)
X51 - X59 Online:  Non-resident / Global students only (off-budget)
Numeric Ranges

001 - 199  (day)

601 - 699  (eve)

Standard LEC / LEL sections scheduled for main campus, including Internships

201 - 299  (day)

801 - 899  (eve)

Standard LAB sections scheduled for any location 

301 - 399  (day)

701 - 799  (eve)

Standard LEC / LEL sections scheduled for alternate locations (off main campus):
  • North Valley (TG, TH, SS)
  • Provo Airport (ES, HA, HB)
  • South Valley (HSADV, HSAM)
  • Wasatch Campus (WC)
  • West Campus (DX, HP, NG, WH)

415- 499  (day)

915 - 999  (eve)

Special Program sections (off-budget)
Live Interactive (Video)  /  Livestream
151 - 155 HOME: UVU students participate in UVU broadcast room (primary home section, day)
Also used for Livestream (primary home section, day)
156 - 160 HOME: UVU students participate in UVU broadcast room (primary home section, evening)
Also used for Livestream (primary home section, evening)
V01 - V10 USHE - UVU courses offered at USHE institutions only (day or evening, Adult Education students).
V11 - V20 RECEIVE: North/South Valley locations receive instruction FROM video HOME section (for Adult Education students).
L21 - L94 RECEIVE: HSCE sites receive instruction FROM livestream HOME section (for HSCE students).
V21 - V94 RECEIVE: HSCE sites receive instruction FROM video HOME section (for HSCE students).
W21 - W94 RECEIVE: HSCE sites receive instruction FROM online HOME section (for HSCE students).
V95 - V99 Reserved for overflow sections. Scheduled in UVU broadcast rooms only (for Adult Education students).