Time Management

College Basics

Budgeting School Time

  • For every class hour, plan to spend two hours of study time outside of class.
  • 12 credit hours = 36 total hours of school.
  • The best way to juggle everything is to create a manageable and realistic schedule or time budget.
  • This page includes really great templates for this along with ways to prioritize tasks.

Working While in School

  • Most UVU students work at least part-time, if not full-time.
  • Be honest with yourself about your school/work/life balance. Most people do not expect someone who must work 40+ hours a week to also take 15-18 credits each semester (which totals 45-54 hours of school work each week). That's like working two full-time jobs!
  • This is not typically sustainable, nor is it good for your mental and physical health. It is better to pace it out and succeed semester to semester, rather than overload yourself and fail.

How to Schedule

Benefits of Scheduling

  • Scheduling helps you avoid one of the great time wasters, procrastination, because it gives you a set time to accomplish the task.
  • Scheduling keeps you up to date and helps to avoid last minute cramming.
  • Scheduling things that you need to do actually creates time to do things that you want to do.
  • Scheduling keeps you in control. You are the creator of your schedule. Set your priorities and times to do things.
  • Having a schedule saves time. Your schedule is a guide, telling you what to do next and assuring you that everything will get done. Studying the same subject at the same time and in the same place programs your mind to concentrate on that subject, and you will complete your studying more quickly and more efficiently.

Scheduling Pro Tips

  • Make use of daylight hours. Research shows that each hour used for study during the day is equal to one and a half hours at night.
  • Study before a class in which discussion is required or pop quizzes are frequently given.
  • Study as soon after lecture classes as possible - preferably immediately after. You can enhance your retention and understanding by studying right after class. When scheduling classes, allow for this time.
  • Study at the same time every day.
  • Allow enough time to study. The rule of thumb is that you should study two hours for every hour you are in class. Start here, and adjust your schedule accordingly. Some classes will need more than two hours, others will need less.
  • Space your study periods. A study period of fifty to ninety minutes at a time is probably most efficient. After, take a break for ten to fifteen minutes. Longer study periods often become counterproductive. Make use of small blocks of time. Five minutes here and there can add up to large amounts of time. Note cards make a good portable study guide that is easy to use while you wait for someone, stand in line, ride the bus, or any other free minutes.
  • List activities according to priorities.
  • Study during your prime time. Schedule your hardest subject at you most alert time, and schedule less demanding tasks during the day when you are less productive.
  • Leave unscheduled time for flexibility.
  • Analyze your use of time.


  • Use an assignment notebook or planner.
  • Take this to every class and record each assignment under the date it is due.
  • If the instructor hands out a course syllabus at the beginning of the term, mark when assignments are due on the syllabus and your planner.
  • Use three-ring notebooks for class notes.
  • Organize and save computer work. When you are doing a search, bookmark the pages that you want to come back to. It will save time looking for the information you want to use.
  • Keep returned papers, quizzes, and tests. Have different colored pocket folders for each class, and keep all returned papers, quizzes, and tests in these folders. Old tests help you study for future tests and finals. They are also helpful if there is a question about an assignment, you can double check by contacting this person.
  • Get phone numbers of classmates. Make sure you have a phone number or an e-mail for at least one person in each class. If you miss class or have a question about an assignment, you can double check by contacting this person.
  • Maintain a neat and organized study space. It will save a lot of time if you can easily locate materials you need: i.e. dictionary, calculator, thesaurus, paper etc.
  • Before you go to bed each night, get out everything that you will need for the following day - if you need to remember to do something in the morning, write yourself a note.