TRIO Student Support Services logo

Applications are currently closed for the summer and will reopen June 2024.

Once applications reopen the link to apply will be posted here. We are excited to review your application then! 

Eligibility Criteria

In order to qualify for the TRIO SSS program students MUST be an American citizen or permanent resident of the Unites States, enrolled and attending Utah Valley University, demonstrate an academic or support need for services, and meet one or more of the following U.S. Department of Education criteria:

  1. First Generation: Neither of the student's parents graduated with a 4-year college degree. 
  2. Low Income. 
  3. Disabled: Includes both physical or learning disabilities.

Application Instructions

  1. If your application is not complete, you will not be considered for enrollment into the program.
  2. If you have any questions please call 801.863.8541
  3. If you are not a current UVU student, please enter your personal email. 


Some helpful definitions for understanding our application:

An independent student is one of the following:
  • at least 24 years old and/or married
  • a graduate or professional student
  • a veteran, a member of the armed forces
  • an orphan
  • a ward of the court
  • someone with legal dependents other than a spouse
  • an emancipated minor or someone who is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless

A dependent student is under 24 years old and does not fit under any of the categories listed under independent student above. As such, the dependent student’s parent or legal guardian must sign the FAFSA documents of the student to verify Low-Income Status.


After Application Submission Process:

Thank you for applying to UVU's TRIO SSS program! An interview may be required to determine likelihood of acceptance. If you have any questions, please contact Frenely Liechty at [email protected].


Headshot of Wilson the Wolverine

Questions? Ask Wilson