WEBVTT 0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:02.500 UVU Rodeo team member rides into the arena carrying the UVU flag 0:00:02.501 --> 0:00:07.500 UVU Rodeo team ride bucking broncos 0:00:07.501 --> 0:00:09.000 UVU's President Tuminez cheers with her pom poms from the stands 0:00:09.001 --> 0:00:12.000 UVU Rodeo Team member tying a calf 0:00:12.001 --> 0:00:16.000 UVU Rodeo Team member rides around the arena holding a rope 0:00:16:01 --> 0:00:28:000 Several members of the UVU Women's team take their turn dismounting and tying a goat. 0:00:28.001 - 0:00:29.005 Close up a UVU Rodeo logo