Support for Child Care Programs

From professional development for child care providers to career ladder courses, learn how to improve child care and get resources to support your program's needs.

A childcare provider walking up some stairs.

Care About Childcare Career Ladder Courses

The Office of Child Care (OCC) and the Utah Registry for Professional Development (URPD) provide a wide variety of courses to support professional development for Utah’s early learning and youth professionals through the Care About Childcare site. Those that choose to participate can register for a profile and for Career Ladder Courses on the Care About Childcare website.

The course catalog includes all of the approved Career Ladder courses offered through Care About Childcare as well as community and online partners. For step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the catalog of Care About Childcare Career Ladder courses, access the Course Catalog Navigation Guide.

Quorum E-Learning

OCC is providing a FREE year-long membership to Quorum e-Learning for professionals in the state who work with children.

Learn more about the Utah Quorum e-Learning Scholarship

Happy childcare providers with children

CDA Cohort

We offer support and scholarship for early childhood professionals to attain the Child Development Associate Credential at low or no cost. For more information, contact our Training Coordinator at 801-863-4589.

A childcare provider reading to a group of children

Understanding the Child Care Quality System

The Child Care Quality System (CCQS) rates participating programs using 4 levels of quality. Program ratings are available to the public on the state Care About Childcare website.

Learn more about CCQS

For more information on CCQS, contact our CCQS Specialist at 801-863-7453.

A child looking up at their childcare providers


Reimbursement for costs incurred to process fingerprints is available.

Learn more about the Fingerprinting Support Grant

A childcare provider being fingerprinted

Resource Room

Our child care resource room is open during office hours and is available to child care providers and community partners. These resources are free to providers who sign a contract with us each year and include lamination, die cuts, and bulletin board paper. For more information, call us at 801-863-8589.

The Child Care Provider Resource Room at UVU

Other Resources

Health and Human Services; Child Care Licensing

Health & Human Services logo
Child Care Licensing support the child care community by protecting the health and safety of children in child care programs we oversee.
Learn More

Utah Registry for Professional Development (URPD)

Utah Workforce Services logo

URPD is home to Utah’s Early Childhood and Youth Workforce Registry.

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Utah Association for the Education of Young Children

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UAEYC is a professional organization advocating for & supporting the early childhood workforce in Utah.

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National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

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NAEYC is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research.

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Professional Family Childcare Association of Utah (PFCCA)

PFCCA logo

PFCCA provides resources and support for the education and skill development of child care providers.

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Utah Private Child Care Association (UPCCA)

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The UPCCA is a nonprofit professional collaboration of those who own and operate licensed child care centers throughout the state of Utah.

Learn More