Find Child Care

Care About Childcare at UVU supports child care programs and provides free resources for parents looking for quality child care. If you need help finding child care, you do not have to be a UVU student to access our services.

Our office at Utah Valley University serves families in Utah, Juab, Summit, and Wasatch counties. If you are not in our target region, find an agency that serves your area.

What is Quality Care?

Quality child care can make a big difference in the future of your child. You can give your child a head start on a strong and healthy mind, body, and spirit. Although quality child care can mean different things to different people, many experts agree on specific contributions.

Learn more about why quality care matters

Child Care Quality System

The Child Care Quality System (CCQS) rates participating programs with 4 levels of quality. Program ratings are available to the public on the Care About Childcare website

Learn more about CCQS

Find a Child Care Provider

Children's toys that you might find at a quality child care provider
Find child care that fits your family’s individual needs using the filtered search options on the Care About Childcare website.
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Additional Resources

A quality childcare facility
The Care About Childcare office has a list of additional family resources, including child development, family and resource services, afterschool programs, and more.
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