The Care About Childcare office at Utah Valley University is a state child care resource and referral agency for families to find care and resources for young children. We serve all families in Utah, Juab, Summit, and Wasatch counties. You do not have to be affiliated with UVU to access our services.

Care About Childcare at UVU assists child care programs in becoming licensed and improving their quality of care. We also help our target communities to understand the importance of early childhood development and care.

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About Us

Exterior of UVU Care About Childcare Offices
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Support for Providers

A Childcare provider receiving guidance from an employee at Care About Childcare UVU
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Resources for Parents

A UVU student parent with their baby on campus
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Contact Us

Contact the Care About Childcare at UVU

Care About Childcare

  • Monday: 11 am–5:30 pm
  • Tuesday–Thursday: 8 am–5:30 pm
  • Closed Friday