Building Marshal/Floor Captain
The building marshal/floor captain program has been implemented here at Utah Valley
University to help create a more safe and more prepared environment. The building
marshal along with their floor captains volunteer to ensure that the buildings they
work in can safely and efficiently evacuate when this needs to happen as well as maintaining
an emergency preparedness kit.
Building Marshal Floor Captain Roles and Responsibilities:
What you should be familiar with: (prepare, plan, prevent)
- Floor Maps
- Assembly Points
- Evacuation Devices
- Fire Extinguishers
- Backpack
- Employee List
- Radio
Training/Drills/Exercises Opportunity for practice: (prepare, plan, prevent)
- The Great Shakeout in April every year. Statewide Earthquake exercise.
- Annual Fire Drill will be conducted by the Fire Marshal/EM/Safety.
- Optional trainings are available: Schedule with EM (801-863-7977)
- Active Shooter
- Stop the Bleed
- Bomb Threat
- Basic First Aid
- Evacuation Devices
- Fire Extinguishers
Communications from the University with employees during an emergency/disaster:
- UVU Alert: Text messaging system
- UVU App: Push notifications
- iNotify: computers/monitors
- Fire Alarm PA System: overheard alerts
- UVU.Info Website: an independent website from where updates during emergencies
will be located.
- UVU Email system: regular email system
- Radios: Main campus buildings have a radio they can use to communicate with facilities
dispatch or police dispatch.
Emergency Phone Numbers:
- Facilities Dispatch: 801-863-8130
- UVU Police Department: 801-863-5555
- Orem City Dispatch: 911